How can HR software reduce employee turnover?

We all know how valuable having a great team is, so finding ways to reduce employee turnover for any business can be a top priority. Thankfully, your HR software can help!

Let’s have a look at how it works.

Good onboarding

Welcoming new employees with good onboarding and making sure they feel part of the team is a great way to encourage staff to stick around. In fact, figures show that great onboarding leads 68% of employees to stay at companies for over three years, while businesses with standardised onboarding experience 50% higher employee productivity.

A comprehensive HR system like HR Planner will provide an area for you to store all of your important company documents in one place, meaning they’re easy for new staff to access to support them in settling into their role. Our document module is designed and managed in the UK, offering unlimited storage for files that are available at the click of a button.

Enable employee development

Investing in training is proven to increase job satisfaction and give employees a sense of personal achievement, which encourages them to stay at the company and excel in their career.

HR software can be used to monitor training progress and provide an upskilling opportunity to ensure everyone has the relevant skills and knowledge, to improve company productivity and efficiency. Our own skills system has been designed to help you keep track of qualifications, including a notification feature to inform certificate holders of when each is due to expire.

Manage benefits packages

When working in HR, a significant part of your role may be to develop and maintain a benefits package that will help your business attract and retain top talent.

Using your HR software to provide employees with easy access to information about their benefits and perks is a great way to make sure you’re utilising the range of features available. What’s more, it’ll help employees feel more appreciated, encourage productivity and increase engagement.

Employee engagement

Engaged employees are much more likely to stay at the same company, which is why pulse surveys can be so important in maintaining low turnover rates. By setting up surveys in your HR system, you can make note of any concerns that staff have and work on ways to address these. HR Planner will be launching a new survey module soon – stay tuned for updates!

Another way to boost engagement is by providing employees with content and resources that support the promotion of wellbeing. You can do this by setting up mental health and wellbeing days and events in the company calendar, as well as storing helpful articles and tips in the document module for your team to access when needed.

Monitor absences

As well as allowing you to keep track of staff holidays, your HR software should enable you to monitor absences and identify if staff are taking a higher number of sick days than would be expected. Understanding patterns early will mean you can step in and resolve issues that may be prompting staff to look elsewhere.

Make flexible working possible

Ever since the pandemic, remote and hybrid working has become commonplace for many businesses in the UK. Comprehensive HR software will provide you with the functionality to create working schedules that will ensure your business doesn’t experience any staff or skills shortages. What’s more, the platform can be accessed 24/7, wherever you are in the world!

HR Planner has been designed with UK SMEs in mind. To put our HR software to the test, start your 14-day free trial today. You can also get in touch with our team on 01252 63 60 70 if you have any questions.